
METU Library Digital Collection


Other Photograph (259)
Snapshots (232)
Other Video (157)
Group portraits (112)
Promotion films (101)
1960s (398)
2010s (226)
1990s (223)
1970s (175)
2000s (83)
METU GİSAM Collection (288)
METU Collection (242)
METU Players Archive (124)
METU Library Collection (112)
Aydın Tiryaki Collection (85)
METU (Ankara) (203)
Ankara, Türkiye (44)
METU Faculty of Architecture (Ankara) (44)
METU Library (Ankara) (32)
Lake Eymir (Ankara) (21)
METU history (360)
Art on campus (192)
Education (109)
METU theater plays (99)
Students (88)


all albums

Rector Kemal Kurdaş

He is best remembered for his work to develop Middle East Technical University build a distinctive campus for it and create a forest in what was arid, eroding land. He helped found and expand a number of businesses. At the same time, he initiated archeological excavations, led the effort to salvage historical artifacts and monuments from flooding by the Keban Dam and supported the publication of findings that throw light on the Neolithic revolution. On the side, he wrote articles and books on economic policy. His interests span archeology, architecture, business, economics, education and forestry. Kurdaş not only pursued these diverse interests but made a contribution in each area.

About Project

ODTÜ Bellek Project has started in 2018 in cooperation with METU Library, METU Audio-visual Systems Research and Application Centre (GISAM), METU Computer Center and METU Corporate Communications Office to gather the institutional memory of METU on the digital platform.

ODTÜ Bellek project is carried out by the METU Library, Open Access and Institutional Archive Department with the contributions of the GİSAM Team.