Prof.Dr. Ali Çulfaz graduated from METU Chemical Engineering Department in 1966. He completed his master's degree in 1968. (Consultant: Ernst Weingartner). He received his doctorate from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (USA) in 1973. (Consultant: Leonard Sand). On 31.10.1967, he was appointed as a Research Assistant at METU Chemical Engineering Department. He became Assistant Professor on 1.08.1973, Associate Professor on 31.03.1986, and was promoted to Professor on 27.10.1992. Prof. Dr. During his 37 years as a faculty member at the Department of Chemical Engineering at Middle East Technical University, Ali Çulfaz managed MSc and PhD studies in postgraduate programs and produced graduates. He made significant contributions to science with his original research and publications with the postgraduate graduates he trained. In METU Chemical Engineering Department's undergraduate and graduate programs, its name is especially identified with the 'Thermodynamics' and 'Chemical Engineering Design' courses. Professor Çulfaz said that the most valuable thing he achieved was the students he trained. Research topics: synthesis and characterization of zeolite materials, adsorption and separation processes with membrane systems, thermodynamics, coal, and energy. Prof. Çulfaz has supervised nearly 30 master's and doctoral theses and published more than 40 international scientific articles. He has presented many papers at national and international congresses. Prof.Dr. Ali Çulfaz worked as a member of the Engineering Research Group and Chemical Technologies and Environmental Development Group at TUBITAK between 1993 and 1997, and contributed to the development of research in Chemical Engineering in Turkey. He is a member of the group that prepared the 'Turkish-English Chemical Engineering Terms' dictionary published by the Chamber of Chemical Engineers. He also contributed to the development of the chemical sectors in our country by being a member of the board of directors of Kütahya Gübre Sanayi in 1997-1998 and by providing consultancy to various companies and institutions in 1992-2000. Prof.Dr. Ali Çulfaz retired from METU Chemical Engineering Department on 12.08.2011.